Make Picking The Right Bicycle Easier

Many reasons will push you to choose a bicycle as a new mode of transportation. Just because you are riding a bicycle from one point to another doesn't mean it's your preferred way to travel. Engaging in exercise is one of the overwhelming reasons that a large number of individuals choose to go cycling. Some choose to cycle because they are in competitions with cycling. Another group of individuals take pleasure in a simple, relaxed ride through their neighborhood. Whatever the reason you have for wanting a cycling bicycle, there are a lot of different things to consider when you are trying to decide which cycling bicycle is right for you. Here are some hints to help you make your choice.

You must make sure you get a bike that is the appropriate size for you. To do this, you will need to measure your inseam. Your inseam is the amount of inches from the bottom of your foot, up the inside of your leg to your groin. When you get a bike you should be able to lay both feet flat to the ground if need be. This is mainly for safety and will allow you to use your feet to stop the bike without the brakes if needed.

Take 9" away from the total of your inseam if you plan to get a road bike. The size of the tires a road bike uses are the reason for this. Road bikes are meant for city cycling—the tires are thinner and work best on concrete paving. You will want to subtract 12" for a mountain bike. Again this is to account for the type of tires you will be using. They are thicker and meant for a rockier terrain. You can always use a mountain bike for city cycling, although this is not how they are best used.

Another thing to keep in mind is purchasing safety gear. The new bicycle helmets look and feel nothing like the old bicycle helmets. Not only do they look a lot better than they used to, they are also built better to provide greater protection. You must always wear your helmet when you are riding your bike, no matter what. Sometimes that fraction of padding really can save your life!

You might also consider investing in elbow, knee, wrist and ankle guards—especially if you are going to be going “off road” on your bicycle. If you plan to use your bike as a sole means of transportation, buy yourself read this some pants clips. These things are little clips that clip the pants leg up so they don't get tangled in the chain or the gears.

There are lots of things to think about when you are trying to find the right cycling bicycle to fit your needs. It can become a frustrating process at times to try and figure out exactly what bike you need and which accessories you should get to go with it. Don't become discouraged; map out what you need for your bike and you'll be on your way in no time.

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